The 5 Biggest Moving Mistakes

Whether you are moving across town, across the state, or to a different part of the world, moving is stressful. From sifting through all of your belongings and deciding what stays and what goes to the actual act of moving, it is something no one looks forward to. While it may seem attractive to save your pennies and do it yourself, this is one of the biggest mistakes people make when moving. Hiring a local moving service in Arlington will not only take the pressure off of you, but it will ensure your belongings get to their next home safely.

In order to avoid the most common moving mistakes, you should be aware of what they are, to start. Below you will find the 5 biggest mistakes people make when moving, which should give you an idea of what NOT to do next time you need to pack your life into boxes.

1. You decided to go with the DIY method

It can be difficult to give up control and enlist the services of a professional team of local movers in Austin, but necessary. Thinking you can ‘wing it’ or do it yourself with the help of a few saintly friends is a huge mistake. Moving can be extremely complicated and takes advanced planning. Additionally, there are a large number of potential pitfalls that come with doing it yourself instead of calling a local moving company. From the wear and tear on your body to damage to your household possessions, moving yourself is just asking for disaster.

2. You didn’t think about the time of year

Nearly 40 million Americans relocate each year, resulting in a moving “traffic jam” at certain times of the year. A large majority of this moving takes place in the late spring and summer months, which means many moving companies are booked solid. In order to avoid getting stuck in the traffic, do your best to give yourself enough time and lock down a moving company in Arlington 3 to 4 months before your scheduled move-in day. This will not only give you peace of mind, but it will make the actual moving day far less stressful and smooth sailing.

3. You didn’t get an estimate

Just like when you make a big purchase, it is important for you to get an estimate before your move. This will not only help you budget for when the time actually comes to move, but it will make it so there are no surprises at the end of your move. Be sure to check the moving company’s policy for fuel and any other costs that may be included.

4. You forgot about your four-legged friend

This doesn’t make you a bad parent to your beloved pet, it is just something that happens when moving. Because of all the stress associated with moving, it can be easy to forget that your family pet needs to move too. Make sure your pet is up-to-date on his shots, tags, certificates, and proper identification. If he will be travelling by air or in the car for a long distance, ask your vet for travel recommendations, kennels, and motion sickness medication.

5. You forgot about your plants

It’s easy to pack away all your clothes, pictures, kitchenware, etc into boxes, but what about your plants? The inside of a moving vehicle obviously isn’t great for plant life, but sometimes you have no choice. Make sure to check with your local moving company in Houston to ensure they will transport your plants, as some companies will not do so if travelling more than 150 miles or crossing state lines. Also check with the USDA to make sure there are no restrictions for bringing plants to your new state. Once given the green light, transfer your plants into unbreakable pots to make it easier on the movers.

Moving is no fun, there’s no way around it. However, it can be a much more enjoyable experience if you avoid the 5 common mistakes listed above.