Tips and Tricks for Downsizing Your Home

Regardless of the reason, moving to a smaller home can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you will be able to de-clutter your life and your belongings and downsize to only the items you truly need.

However, this can also be a difficult process for many people. Whether you’ve compiled years and years of possessions and are now moving to a space with less storage, if you are a recent empty nester, or if you’re moving from a house to a condo, downsizing isn’t always easy.

In order to keep you from getting stressed about the very idea of downsizing, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you make the process much, much easier. So, no matter what the reason for relocating to a smaller space, you will be able to do so in a snap with the help of these tips.

  • Make a list of the items you cannot live without. This is a good way for you to truly separate the belongings you actually need and those you can live without.
  • Give yourself time. If you start thinking about all of your belongings at least three months before your move you will have an easier time getting rid of certain things. Take some time each morning or evening, or just one day per week, and go through a certain area in your house. Start with your jam-packed coat closet or the overflowing file cabinet and work your way through the house.
  • Find out the dimensions of your new room and/or home. This will give you a better idea of what size your new space is compared to what you are in now. The reality check of how big your new room or home is will help you get rid of certain things you have been holding onto for way too long.
  • Heavily edit certain rooms that hold items with less sentimental value. For example, the kitchen is likely full of duplicate items, such as mixing bowls and measuring cups. You most likely will be able to live without two whisks, so put it in the ‘donate’ pile. If you are moving from a house to a condo, keep in mind that you will no longer need a lawn mower, snow shovel, or multiple ladders.
  • Never throw anything away. Donate or sell, never throw items in the garbage. As tempting as it can be to simply toss all those extra hangers, it is a much more environmentally responsible to find a home for everything. If you are getting rid of a lot of items, it may be a good idea to host a moving sale. Otherwise, start a separate pile of items you won’t be taking with you to your next home and make a trip to your local Goodwill once a week or so.

If you have any questions or need to schedule a move, please contact Condor Moving Systems today. We are here to help you with all your moving needs, whether relocating to different part of Arlington or elsewhere in Texas.