4 Money Saving Tips for your Move in Dallas

We all know that moving can be expensive, but many people who are planning to move end up costing themselves cash necessarily. Some planning and research upfront can often save families hundreds of dollars – as well as headaches and hassles down the road.At Condor Moving Systems, we’ve helped to provide affordable and high quality long distance movesthroughout Texas and the DFW area for many years. We’ve helped in many successful moves, and we know the tips and tricks needed to save money while still having a great move. In this post, we cover 4 tips for saving money on your long distance move in Texas.

  • Get a Quote and Make a Moving Budget.Before you can start planning to save money, first you need to know yur budget. A quality long distance moving company should be able to provide you with a solid quote on all your moving costs. By comparing multiple quotes, you can find the best value for your money. Additionally, be sure to account for other costs – for example, you may have to stay in a hotel for a night during the move, you might have to re-purchase some items that you’re not moving, and so forth.
  • Get Insured for Your Move.Talk to your moving company about your insurance options and make sure you understand exactly what you’re getting. Moving without good insurance might seem like it’ll save you money initially, you’ll be taking a big risk. Insurance is usually an important money saver to prevent and mitigate against potentiall damage and losses during the move.
  • Cut Back on Your Possessions.Don’t try to haul everything you own across the country! Assess what you own, what you need, and what you think you can leave behind. Of course, you want to bring your expensive, hard to replace, and sentimental items. But big, bulky, and inexpensive items can often be safely left behind. Additionally, you can often donate or sell some items you don’t need to move for a quick injection of cash (or good karma!).
  • Consider the Tax Implications.A move might be a tax-deductible expense. Be sure to keep track of your moving costs and speak with your accountant to make sure that you’re taking advantage of any tax benefits that you can. Additionally, when you donate any items that you don’t want to move, these can also be tax deductions. Take photos of your donated items and get a receipt, and you may see some tax benefits from this as well.

Hopefully these tips will help you keep your moving costs down. Long distance moves in Texas aren’t easy, but by doing your research and choosing a great long distance moving company, you can make sure that your move goes off smoothly.